Saturday 12 July 2014

Phoenix Botanicals: Updated Review: Jasmine Beauty Balm

This is, I'm afraid, very much overdue. I have no proper excuses - it simply never got done. However, I did faithfully apply the balm every day for a couple of weeks, and gave it the fair trial I'd promised.

In my previous review, I'd mentioned that it seemed to make me break out. I don't know if that was something that resolved itself, or if it never actually had anything to do with the balm at all, but this time around I didn't notice any skin problems. The only (minor) thing was a bit of extra oil, which didn't seem to clog my pores, so no harm done. It's probably due to my combination skin, which gets oilier as the weather gets warmer. It might not be ideal for someone who is concerned about oil or wants a moisturizer with a matte finish.

Because of the oil, I was obliged to stop using it as summer approached. I know I should be using a moisturizer, but I'll have to find one a little less rich, with sun protection. However, I will be resuming use of the balm once the weather cools. And, of course, there's the fact that the fragrance of all that jasmine is so fantastic that I occasionally open it up just to smell it.

I do recommend that you give it a go. At around $9, even the small size lasts forever, so it's good value. And even if it doesn't work as a moisturizer, its gorgeous, androgynous scent makes it a great solid perfume.

Again, here are the links:

Phoenix Botanicals' Etsy Shop (you'll find the product under 'herbal balms'.)

Main website:

Friday 11 July 2014

Garden Progress: Before and After

It's been a long time since I updated here! Working two jobs (and often working entire weeks without days off) I've been rather lazy about maintaining things online. But, never fear, I'm putting in a bit more effort to be prompt now.

Anyway, I haven't been neglecting my garden! I thought that it might be fun to post some before and after pictures.

April 2014. Nothing. And boring.

July 2014. Much better! The bright red flowers are dahlias. The lawn, however, is slowly dying. I don't have access to a hose or water spigot, so I do all my watering by hand with a watering can. Unfortunately it'd take about a hundred trips to soak the lawn properly, and I just don't care enough about it to do so.
Do you see the dead plant in the middle? That's not mine. The neighbours noticed that my garden was doing well, and brought over a dead plant with a sign on it (you can see it still there) reading 'Help Me!' I've been doing my best, but unfortunately, it was already gone. Also, as you can see, it's a bit cluttered. That's something I still have to fix. The long red container in the center has little tiny pepper plants starting to grow. I started them from seed and for ages, nothing came up at all, until a few weeks ago. I hope that they can fruit before the season ends!

Anyway, here's another few pictures:

Another one, from a distance. You can see the rose bushes on either side and the strawberry basket hanging up by the pillar on the left.

My violas and dahlias are in bloom! That huge plant next to the dahlias is beebalm. It hasn't flowered yet, and I hope it does so soon. The leaves smell so good, though.

Hydrangea and Double Lavender Superbells (Calibrachoa). Again, waiting for flowers from the hydrangea, but there is a tiny cluster of buds, so it might be soon!

One of the June roses. Soon after they began blooming, something killed off the blossoms! With luck they'll go a second round before the summer's through.
Jasmine plant: July 2014
Jasmine plant: May 2014

The rose on the left side. In the background are ginger geranium and a flower I've forgotten the name of, but which has an abundance of gorgeous coral star-shaped flowers. The plant next to the rose bush, on the white lattice, is my cucumber! It's gotten huge, and there are several little cucumbers growing.

It's been awesome planting and watching everything grow. I already have plans for next year, but we'll see how things go.

And yes, the guy in the reflection on the doors is me. If I'd realized I'd show up, I'd have dressed better!