Sunday 2 February 2014

The Small Cold Apartment

I could do an 'about me', but I'm simple (25-year old guy, loves to cook, hair is always a mess.) But it seems more important to me to introduce my apartment. Setting the scene - so you can see what exactly I have to work with here.

Normally I would include some pictures, but, frankly, it's a dump. We can't afford anything much better right now that would also allow us to keep our cat, so the dump it is. And sadly, it is actually a huge improvement on our last (slightly cheaper) place. Fixing it up a bit is one of my many projects. At least here we aren't at risk of death by electrocution! Always an adventure, our last place.

We live in the Pacific Northwest, in a valley surrounded by mountains. It is ALWAYS damp here, and right now it is cold as well. Since we just moved in at the start of December, I have no idea what it'll be like in the summer. I dream of lots of sunshine and significantly less mold.

But, it's home, and I'm learning to work with it. For example, right now I am keeping my freshly-planted seeds warm by lining the trays up in between the radiator and the huge box my kitchen island (big improvement #1) came in:

Even the radiator is a piece of junk. I love it anyway.
I am very lucky in one respect - our apartment is on the ground floor, so I have access to a tiny cement patio with a strip of grass running alongside the apartment. I can put my container plants out on the patio, if any should actually sprout for me, and maybe plant a few things along the edge of the lawn as well. Additionally, we live in a city surrounded by farmland, so I should have access to a lot of the stuff I am hoping to find for my projects.

I'll certainly be busy this year, what with fixing stuff up, trying to nag the landlord into repairing our broken blinds and window, and attempting to grow a garden on my patio. But luxury can't exist without some initial hard work, and I'm ready to get my hands dirty.

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