Saturday 8 February 2014

Project #1: Kitchen Composter plus Bonus Picture

The Kitchen Composter. Eco-friendly? Probably. Laurence-friendly? We'll see.

So the other day, I saw this at work. It was the only one there, and since I was feeling paranoid about my plants not getting enough nutrients and such, I bought it. It's stainless steel and has a filter in the lid to prevent any smells. And, it is pretty adorable for something that is essentially a little garbage digester.

Of course, after the fact, I do a bit of research, and it seems that I won't be able to actually make compost in such a tiny bin? I'm thinking that I may have to get another, larger one to keep on the patio, which is annoying, as I must ensure it is a) smell-proof, so as not to upset the neighbors or the strata; b) rat-proof, because we live right by the dumpsters and rats like to frolic about in our shrubbery; and c) inexpensive and reasonably attractive.

I really like the idea of a worm composting bin. Worms are cool and not smelly, and worm castings are supposed to be excellent compost. I wonder if I could get a few worms and just put them right in the bin? I do keep the bin indoors, after all. I'm seriously considering joining a gardening community online just so I can bother them with my asinine inquiries.

Anyway, in the meantime, I've been trying to be careful about what I put in my compost.

Pretty, pretty garbage.
That means nothing with seeds (such as tomato seeds) that might decide to randomly grow, no dairy, no meat or fat, etc. I do put my used teabags in, after removing the labels and staples. It seems to be handling it all well so far.

Meanwhile, today is Day 9 of Project #1. Here is what our garlic looks like now:

So proud of that stupid little sprout!
That's a terrible picture, but you get the idea. I'm not sure why the soil is cracking, since I keep it pretty moist. Well, whatever, as long as my sprout is happy.

Unfortunately, that is the only thing that has sprouted so far. I know I should be patient, but I'm starting to get worried. Seven of my seeds could have germinated by now, but haven't. I don't want to have to start over, but I guess I will if I have to. I refuse to give up, damn it!

And now, for the bonus picture, the thing everyone wants to see: my cat.

She is proud of the garlic sprout too. We look at it together. Seriously.

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